Grief… A Proccess not a time period

Grief is something you feel because of a loss. Grief not only pertains to the loss of a person as a result of death but also a lost of a relationship with someone. It extends to the loss of a limb such as an amputation, mastectomy, or any surgery related loss. It can even be that loss of material things such as a loss of a home or an item with sentimental value.   

There are five stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  It is important to remember that you don’t necessarily go through all stages and some people can remain in a stage longer then other.  Here are some helpful tips to those who are grieving.

1)    It is a personal process. No one can tell you when and how long to grieve.

2)    Never feel guilty about grieving or how you grieve. Its your healing process and yours alone.

3)    Grieving can take a lifetime. You never GET OVER it. You learn how to get through it, one moment at a time.

4)    There will be times when you feel good and suddenly there is a smell, song, picture, milestone in your life that brings back a memory that causes you to feel sad or even cry. There is nothing wrong with that. Give yourself a moment to sit in the memory.

5)    Use your supports or talk to a therapist to help you through the process. While it is a personal process, you do not have to do it alone.

We are here to help… it can be as simple as just a little talk.



Let the healing begin


It’s OK Not To Be OK